The opening of Experiencing the World Room

Yesterday in the Clinic took place the official opening of Experiencing the World Room. Ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted by Ewa Błaszczyk (president of the Akogo Foundation), MariuszBober (president of the Rosa foundation) and dr Andrzej Lach (new director of the Clinic). The equipment of the Experiencing the World Room was funded by the ROSA Foundation.

The room is a special place equipped with facilities and items used to stimulate all child’s senses. Stimuli are scattered  but harmonically composed so that they enhance the therapy i.e.  movement rehabilitation or speech therapy. There are for example  a remote controlled colourful  sky, water columns filled with water, vibrating water bed mattress, mirror ball with head light or optical fibre. The room can be arranged in such a way that the quality, intensity and the features of stimuli may be adjusted to the needs of particular child.

For more than two years The Rosa foundation is pursuing the “Experiencing the world” programme  by providing with the necessary equipment integrated schools and learning institutions. Thanks to the support of the Rosa foundation there are 36 Experiencing the World rooms in Poland and the access to the modern rehabilitative methods is offered to more than 3200 children from all over the country. Since yesterday patients from our Clinic can also use these benefits.

We express our sincere thanks to the Rosa Foundation for such a necessary  support of our actions  aiming at effective rehabilitation of children in coma.

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