Aktualności z Kliniki Budzik

2 January 2015
Philip’s parents and Alarm Management Department would like to thank Mr. Jan Pągowski  for the transfer of computer adapter which facilitate the use of the word processor, and thus allowing Philip to communicate with the environment.
30 December 2014
On December 30, 2014. Therapeutic team Alarm Clock Clinic ruled that the two childrenare awaken from a coma, Anna and Philip.
23 December 2014
Thanks to the generosity of the Wielkiej Orkiestrze Świątecznej Pomocy (WOŚP) Alarm Clock Clinic received modern cardio monitors.
22 December 2014
The next delivery (nappy pants Seni Care skin care products) to Alarm Clock Clinic has arrived. Products that every month we receive from Seni, help us to protect and nurture the skin of our little patients. Thanks this products our patients have not a problem with a pressure ulcer, and parents can be assured of the comfort of their children. More about our donors in www.seni.pl
19 December 2014
Marek Michalak the Ombudsman  for Children paid a visit at the Alarm Clock Clinic in Międzylesie on December 18th.
19 December 2014
On December 18th, 2014 little Kuba left the Alarm Clock Clinic. The boy stayed at the clinic since January 2014. We all wish him health and for his parents to be cheerful and persistent in dealing with life’s adversities. Finger crossed, Jacob!  
8 December 2014
On Sunday, December 7th an extraordinary Santa Claus visited children and their parents. For this year the role of Santa Clause played Czesław Mozil and one of the presents was his concert.
5 December 2014
Today a 15-year old Paweł leaves the Clinic. He comes back home in coma but in a definitely better condition. During the stay at the Clinic his health has significantly improved.
3 December 2014
Yesterday in the Clinic took place the official opening of Experiencing the World Room. Ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted by Ewa Błaszczyk (president of the Akogo Foundation), MariuszBober (president of the Rosa foundation) and dr Andrzej Lach (new director of the Clinic). The equipment of the Experiencing the World Room was funded by the ROSA Foundation.
26 November 2014
We thank the VISLAB company for giving the precious material which In a nutshell shows what we are dealing with.
24 November 2014
For 3 years EwaBłaszczyk’sAkogo Foundation has been  closely cooperating  with Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych SA. Thanks to it the Alarm Clock Clinic receives great support In the form of material gifts ( bedunderpads,diapers, skin care products). We strongly recommend How to take care of a chronically ill at home "How to take care of a chronically ill at home" guidebook.
14 November 2014
The Alarm Clock Clinic receives additional medical equipment bought by The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. In last days the Clinic has been equipped, among others, with specialized inhalers, Pulse oximeters, resuscitation set and mobile lifts with swings. A lifting bath has also been installed.
5 November 2014
The Alarm Clock Clinic has received the SUPERMEDICUS reward in the  Medical rehabilitative and long term care institutions.
3 November 2014
During last days there has been a new monthly delivery of care products for our patients.
30 October 2014
In the Alarm Clock Clinic we continue the laughter therapy. Thanks to the cooperation with the “CzerwoneNoskiKlown w Szpitalu” Foundation our patients are visited by Clowns who bring a good portion of cheerfulness and positive energy.
